Saturday, November 4, 2017

Compromised Immune System

So anyone who has CRPS will likely tell you that they also have a weak immune system. One of the things I struggle with, and have for years, are staph infections. Usually these occur under my arms, and let me tell you, those things are PAINFUL! Once I can tell I'm getting one, I have some prescription antibiotic cream that I start, and hopefully I can stop it before it gets so bad that I have to get it opened, drained, and it's gross, etc.

ANYWAY,  I have started getting a sores in my mouth on a somewhat frequent basis. These things are called canker sores, and while I don't think they are the same thing, I think they are related. (No medical training here, but they feel the same, and look similar). The last one that I had covered the entire under side of one side of my tongue. I could barely eat for a week. Of course this was a week that I was supposed to teach a class at my office too.

Just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience, or if it's just me.

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