Saturday, November 4, 2017

Compromised Immune System

So anyone who has CRPS will likely tell you that they also have a weak immune system. One of the things I struggle with, and have for years, are staph infections. Usually these occur under my arms, and let me tell you, those things are PAINFUL! Once I can tell I'm getting one, I have some prescription antibiotic cream that I start, and hopefully I can stop it before it gets so bad that I have to get it opened, drained, and it's gross, etc.

ANYWAY,  I have started getting a sores in my mouth on a somewhat frequent basis. These things are called canker sores, and while I don't think they are the same thing, I think they are related. (No medical training here, but they feel the same, and look similar). The last one that I had covered the entire under side of one side of my tongue. I could barely eat for a week. Of course this was a week that I was supposed to teach a class at my office too.

Just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience, or if it's just me.

Flare, Oh My!

So I have a hot tub. I love my hot tub. My hot tub used to make me feel wonderful. Some days my hot tub still relaxes me and makes me feel wonderful. Unfortunately, recently my hot tub has also begun to produce pain flares in my feet and legs. For anyone who doesn't understand what a CRPS flare feels like, have you ever had hot grease spill on your hand? A CRPS flare feels kind of like that sensation after the initial first burst of pain. Its kind of like that burning simmer that you cannot cool down and you cannot escape from, but you really wish you could. You try in vain to move in a way to alleviate the pain, but no matter which way you turn, or which position you try, the pain is always there. Unlike the pain from a stove burn, there is no dissipation. The pain does not taper off and no ointment gives you relief.

I got into the hot tub a few nights ago hoping it would help relax and make me feel better. After just a few minutes, I knew I was in trouble. I exited the hot tub and got into the shower. I was immensely pleased that I have a shower chair that allows me to sit down because I could not hold myself up on my feet. I cried in the shower where no one could see me. I did manage to get myself out and dressed, and then went and crawled into my husband's lap. (My happy place).

I wish someone understood the reason behind this condition. I wish there were more research dollars being spent finding a cure, or at the least some real treatments. I guess until there are, I will continue to push on as best as I can. I do believe that we are not given challenges we are not able to overcome, but some days I do pray harder for guidance and assistance because I'm not sure how much longer before I fall.