Friday, October 6, 2017

Waking Up and Pushing Through

Waking up is not the difficult part of the morning. I wake up several times a night now. I have for the last few years. Never had a problem sleeping before this condition, but it seems to be a part of my life now. No, the issue is with getting myself out of the bed. I am a terrible snoozer. Anyone else have this issue? My spouse not so much. He is not a big sleeper. He has never been an 8 hour person. Me, I need my 8. 7 minimum. Without that, I am a do not look at me, do not joke with me, I will burn you with my death stare individual.

My issue is with my job. I am supposed to occasionally change my hours and arrive for work at an earlier time. Yes, I do get to go home earlier, but it still means I have to get up at an unnaturally early hour. Today was that day. I managed to not snooze today in some weird attempt at respect for my sleeping spouse, but the struggle is real people!! Combat that with the fact that I am having a pain flare in my feet this week, and we have a recipe for an unpleasant work day. I wish I had words of wisdom, a great motto that I could flash on that would perk me up or bring a spring to my step, but ya know what? My memory is just not what it used to be either! That's another sneaky side effect of CRPS, you can't remember anything! My desk looks like the marketing campaign for Post-it notes. I should buy stock. If I had a motto, it would have to be permanently tattooed on the back of my hand if I were to have any hope of being able to quote it.

Ok, so I'm rambling a little. Must be the hour. Sorry dear reader. I will conclude by saying that at least we are still here, still warbling along this crazy ride, and for that I am thankful. I know that while it may have been difficult, I was able to get out of that bed this morning, and while each step may be painful, I'm still on my feet. Here's to a blessed day for each of us.

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